Bookstores. I love bookstores. Just going to a bookstore, I can be lost for hours. I would like to say that I do collect books. I buy books with the good intent to read them. Or I have a friend who reads like a fiend and she gives me her books when she is finished. Funny thing is that I don't read them from cover to cover. I just cleaned up my room and found that I had a pile of books, all of which had bookmarks somewhere within the first 75 pages. Not that I don't like reading. I guess I just don't know how, or don't have the attention. I seem to get distracted easily. All I see are words. It's been that way since I can remember. It's my learning disability. One of the things I struggle with that drives me crazy. I think my reading comprehension is well below the national average for an adult. That's why I prefer picture books. When looking for quotes for today, I found this one.
"There should be a little voice in your head like the storyteller is saying it. And if there's not, then you're just lookin' at the words."
- LaKeisha (9th grader in an article about reading for understanding-I lost the article so I can't tell you which article it is from!)
This is what I'd like to use as an excuse for my pile of books:
"Never read a book through merely because you have begun it."
- John Witherspoon
This is for the picture below.
"There is an art of reading, as well as an art of thinking, and an art of writing."
- Isaac Disraeli

We are more alike than I even thought. Bookstores are one of my favorite places to pass time... yet i rarely read. Love the quote from LaKeisha. (oh, and I love you.)
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