Sunday, March 7, 2010

Let's Give Them Something To Talk About...

Ok, as I was walking around the zoo the other day (yes, I go to the zoo quite often), I was at the penguin and puffin house. I saw these two penguins following each other around the outside display. Kind of cute how they fought over this one piece of dried grass. It got me wondering...are these two penguins siblings, friends, or lovers? I hear penguins mate for life. Kinda awkward when you live in a small area and you don't really get to choose who lives with you. I'm thinking that they were mates. Actually, I did see two of the others doing the naughty. It was kind of funny because I didn't realize what they were doing at first. HELLO! Oops, shouldn't have been staring at them. No privacy! But maybe they like people watching them. Ick.

"Once there was a darkness, deep and endless night, you gave me everything you had, oh you gave me light."
~Sarah McLachlan

"Do what you will, always walk where you like, your steps do as you please, I'll back you up." ~Dave Matthews Band (I'll Back You Up)

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