Saturday, February 14, 2009

February 14th

February 14, 2009 - Today is just another day, to me. It also happens to be called Valentine's Day. What annoys me is the commercialization of ALL holidays. And no, I'm not bitter that I do not have a boyfriend right now to shower me with overpriced crap that he feels he needs to purchase because the commercials say so. 

I really don't like holidays in general because people usually ask, "What did you get for ________ (fill in the holiday)?" I prefer the quality time spent with family and friends during holidays, over the materialistic things I might get. As for Valentine's Day, I guess that would be overpriced: candy, cards, flowers, stuffed animals, balloons, fancy dinners, etc... Please, it means more to me to get that kind of stuff at other times of the year, when it is a surprise. Show me your love when you're not being told that you should--ooh, and you don't even have to buy me anything, either.

Oh well, I guess at least a plus of holidays is a small spike in stimulating the economy.

To top it off, I tried to find out who this St. Valentine dude is. There are several different stories, and I'm not going to go into the detail. You can do the search yourself if you are so interested. Besides, Hallmark doesn't really give a hoot about the history, as long as you buy one of their greeting cards.

So, as to not be a total poop about the day, I'm going to share a photograph that, to me, captures a moment of unspoken love between a grandson and his grandmother.

This photograph was taken in the late spring of 2008 in Cernobbio, Italy. I was with family and friends taking a boat ride around Lake Como. We had just finished eating at a gelateria and were heading back to the boat. I was lagging behind, as usual trying to find the perfect photo op, which allowed me to snap this photograph of my mother and nephew.

Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind.
"Pooh!" he whispered.
"Yes, Piglet?"
"Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw. "I just wanted to be sure of you."

Note:  Right after we got back to the U.S. from Europe, my mother was diagnosed with cancer. She has endured several rounds of chemotherapy and radiation, as well as surgeries and side effects. She has aged quite a bit from the time that photograph was taken, but I'm glad that my nephew got to experience his first trip to Europe with her.



GoGo said...


Thank you.


auntieB said...

You are so good to your family.... especially your mom. Great picture to go with a great quote.

Keemster said...

Thanks. I try.