Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Ultimate Challenge

Ug. Auntie B has made a request. She would like me to write inspirational things in my blog. She said that it's not that she doesn't enjoy my photos, but she would like to know about my dreams. Yikes. And she suggested quotes, which I could do, but it would take a little more effort on my part. So, pretty much the "you" in this post is directed towards Auntie B.

I thought about it and I don't think I have ever said or done anything to be inspirational to anybody. Pretty much I'm a smartass who tries to do anything to get people to laugh. Quick witted and often sarcastic are the trademarks to describe my M.O. To step out of this box would be quite a challenge. At heart, I am a true introvert. My intention of this photo blog was to inspire people through my photographs. To touch people in ways that they have never been touched before. I often feel that words just get in the way. One of my nieces recently told me, "My dad takes good pictures, but they have no feeling." My dream is to put feeling into my photographs because I am not, nor have I ever been, good with words.

Here's your quote:
"Dreams are necessary to life." - Anaïs Nin

You ask of my dreams. Funny you should ask me to talk of my dreams. I have been recently living a childhood dream. I'm not going to blog about it now because it is very personal, and I have written much about it in my personal blog. However, every time I think about it, I smile. But could I make a photograph about it? Probably, but only one that would have meaning to me.

I do have a wish though. For you to begin your own blog as I know you desire. I've seen your notebooks, your quotes, your doodles, your stories. Take that first step and don't worry about what people think. You often worry too much about what others think. Don't get caught up in petty gossip, for it is that which stunts our growth. Over the past year I have seen you grow and you should feel good about it. Surround yourself with good people and you will be okay. 

Now, I am waiting for you to inspire me...I know you can.


GoGo said...

You inspire me...and I'm pretty sure we've got the same childhood dream come true.

You may be a smartass...but I'd rather be a smartass than a dumbass.


Keemster said...

GoGo, :)


auntieB said...
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