Thursday, January 14, 2010


π = 3.14159265358973...

Brings back memories. When I was in 8th grade, whenever the students in his class would get into trouble, my algebra trig teacher would make us stand at the doorway facing the classroom and recite pi. I never got into trouble, but would always study the numbers that were posted above the doorway, just in case.

I did get after school detention one time in 8th grade. Funniest sight you'd ever see. I was the only Japanese kid in a classroom full of black students. And let me tell you, they were all habitual offenders. I was damn scared. But then the cat daddy supervisor of detention strutted into the classroom and managed to get all of the kids to shut up and pay attention. Then, he proceeded to tell us that detention that day would consist of him telling us a story. I don't remember the story, but I remember that it was something comical and it sure wasn't punishment. No wonder those kids didn't mind getting detention! And this kid never set foot in detention ever again.

Anyway, tonight π stands for good pizza. And even left overs! The company was good. Always good to meet friends for dinner and catch up.

"How can one make friends without exquisite dishes! It is mainly through the table that one governs!"
~ Jean-Jacques Regis de Chambaceres, French politician (1713-1824)

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