Thursday, January 7, 2010


Last night it snowed. At the time, I had wanted to go out and take some photos of the freshly falling snow, but it was too cold and too late. Would have been nice to get some photos while it was light outside today, but the first chance I had was this evening after work. The sun had gone down and the wind was blowing. I snapped a few photos, and by a few, I mean five. I wasn't really ready to go in--until after the fifth photo. I had lost my balance and beautifully managed a maneuver to save my camera by twisting my body as I fell. It was so cold out nobody was around to witness my dazzling skills and athleticism. Haha. In reality, I was stunned as I found myself lying on the ground on my back, feet and arms flailing in the air.

The first pic below is the last one I snapped. Plain. It is of some brown, dried up Japanese Blood Grass sticking out of the snow. While taking the photo, somewhere in my head popped an image of strong blades of grass radiating the beautiful colors of fall in the light of the sun. A photograph. I had to find it. Scanning through the numerous uploaded pics in my iPhoto library (yay to the digital era), I finally found the photo of the image that was burned into my memory--taken on a beautiful fall day.

"Autumn to winter, winter into spring,
Spring into summer, summer into fall,--
So rolls the changing year, and so we change;
Motion so swift, we know not that we move.
~Dinah Maria Mulock

I look forward to spring, when the first green blades of grass begin to peek through the ground, continuing the cycle. Until then, I will enjoy winter and all it has to offer.

"Everything changes, nothing remains without change."
~ Siddhārtha Gautama


auntieB said...

love the contrast in pics... and love picturing you falling over in the snow!

Keemster said...

Yeah, the fall took me by surprise. I'm hoping the neighbors didn't see.